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arquivo 411

Images archive of the '60s. Old family movies. Swimming pool, garden, airport, city, movie poster outside the swan in CinemaScope, with Grace Kelly, Alec Guinness and Louis Jourdan, score outside SKF. Africa.

Format: 8mm. Black and white

Private collection.
Telecine: Laurent Simões


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arquivo 214

Images archive of the '70s. Old family movies. Theater, ballet , Nutcracker . Portugal. Format: Super 8, color. Private collection. Telecine: Laurent Simões

arquivo 1502

Family Films of the 60s. EXT. DAY - Zoo. Bears, lions, elephants, giraffes, ostriches. INT. DAY - The Wedding Feast. In the bride's house and Registry and Notary. Lisbon. Portugal. Filmes de família dos anos 60. EXT. DIA - Jardim Zoológico. Ursos, leões, elefantes, girafas, avestruzes. INT. DIA - Festa de Casamento. Em casa da noiva e no Conservatória do Registo e Notariado. Lisboa. Portugal. Format: 8 mm. Black&White. Private collection. Telekinetic: Laurent Simões

arquivo 1504

Family Films of the 60s. EXT. DAY - Walking and playing with kids and families in the Zoological Garden. Portugal. Filmes de família dos anos 60. EXT. DIA - Passeio e brincadeiras com miúdos e familiares no jardim Zoológico. Portugal. Format: 8 mm. Black&White. Private collection. Telekinetic: Laurent Simões